As we’ve stated in some of our previous Borderlands 3 guides, the main bosses will usually drop a totally unique legendary weapon or item. At the time, we didn’t know exactly how many legendary weapons these bosses could carry, but thanks to a lot of repeating (and community help) we were able to compile a list of all the legendary weapons every big boss fight can drop .
We’re focusing on legendary weapons here, because bosses seem to drop tons of weapons, and sometimes they’ll even drop unique lower-level items. Sometimes those guns are great, but they’re the legendary weapons we’re all hungry for. There are tons of legendary guns floating around, and many of the unique ones can appear anywhere, even from the lowest ammo container. These guns? They will only drop from the boss in particular and there aren’t as many of them as you might think.
Honorable mentions
- Anointed #2 – release Execute (Mayhem 4 – The Companion)
- Anointed #3 – releases The Companion
- Grease #4- drop Bear Trooper and Sickle
- Chonk Stomp – No longer drops Tunguska
- Witch of fervor – No longer leaves the bounty hunter
- Jabbermogwai – removed Led Sprinkler from its dedicated drop pool
- Sera of Supremency – no longer drops Cold Warrior or Rakk Commander
- Skag – no longer leaves Executor
- Tink of Cunning – stopped releasing DE$DEYE and Mindsweeper as dedicated drops
- Tyrant of Instinct – no longer the dedicated drop of Bear Trooper or Infiltrator
How to get dedicated drops from each boss
It is found in Pandora and Covenant Pass and can drop essential items. The boss will let you get Borderlands 3 Dedicated Drops like Ripper and Moxxi’s Bouncing Pair by defeating this story. But you have to know how to beat it; only then will you be rewarded with this drop.
- You can defeat Shiv by dodging his unique ability, and it will knock him to the ground by creating an underground shockwave that travels directly in front of him.
- Dodge this attack with the help of the area around you and jump to avoid his unique ability when he gets close to you. And when the time comes, spray him with bullets and try to get him as soon as possible.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – How To Get Borea’s Breath
This would be the first boss, from which you can farm Borea’s Breath. The boss is not that tough and you can easily grow it.
The location where you can find the boss to farm Borea’s Breath is Snoring Valley. The map itself is quite long, so you’d need a checkpoint to make a quick trip. If you need the exact location on the map, here it is:
Tire Toss
The Keeper will try to throw a tire at you every now and then and it will be easily avoidable as it takes time to grab the item.