What is an expired realm?

Don’t need your kingdom in Minecraft anymore? You want to know how to delete it so that it is no longer accessible, neither by you nor by your friends. Then this is what you need to do.

So how do you delete a Minecraft kingdom? To delete a realm in Minecraft, all you have to do is go to the Worlds tab and open the realms settings page by clicking on the pencil button next to the realm you want to delete. From here, click the “Delete Realm” button.


Minecraft is one of the most popular video games ever made, with over 100 million players. Unfortunately, there are also many people who have experienced the unfortunate sidekick of the game – the elimination of the kingdom. Kingdom deletion is when your Minecraft world suddenly disappears without warning or explanation. It can be frustrating and disheartening to lose everything you’ve worked so hard for in a matter of moments. So why does kingdom wiping happen and what can you do to prevent it from happening to you? Here are 8 reasons your Minecraft kingdom may be gone: Your computer may not be powerful enough to run the game smoothly: If your computer is out of date, it may not be able to keep up with the demands of Minecraft. This can lead to instability in the game world, which can cause kingdoms to disappear.

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Realm duration is determined by the number of players in the realm at any given time.

How to backup and restore Minecraft Realm on Bedrock

  • Find the Realm you want to backup and click on the icon of pencil on the side.
  • Click the thumbnail and select Edit World.
  • On the left side, there will be a Backup option – click on it and choose the version you want to backup.
  • Click the download icon (down arrow above a straight line) and complete the World download process.
  • You should see the level import completed successfully notification.
  • Now click Let’s go.
  • Go to the Worlds tab and under Worlds you should see the latest backup you just completed.
  • Now, find your Realm World and click on the pencil icon.
  • Click thumbnail > Edit World > Backup > click version.
  • In the pop-up, click “Replace realm with backup”, but note that by replacing your realm with this backup, you will erase all recent progress from your realm. The Kingdom will restart and all active players will need to reconnect.

Minecraft Update 2.40 Patch Notes | Minecraft April 19 Update Patch Notes:

A new update for Minecraft is now available, featuring a number of new improvements:

  • An updated Create New World experience will be gradually rolling out to players starting today
  • Worlds can now be created with 64-bit seeds
  • Many changes to improve damage and hunger calculations
  • New features Experimental ones to try like Deep Dark and Warden
  • Too many bug fixes and quality of life improvements to list!
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