The Alt+F8 shortcut brings up the Macros window to create, run, edit or delete a macro.
Step 1: Click any cell in the worksheet;
- Windows 10 (General)
- Windows logo key (Winkey)
- Command Prompt
- Dialog
- File Explorer
- Virtual Desktops
- Taskbar
- Apps
- Accessibility
- Microsoft Surface Hub
- Continuum for Phones
When a Windows hint is displayed, bring focus to the hint. Pressing keyboard shortcuts again to bring focus to the on-screen item that the Windows hint is anchored to. Win + K Open quick action Connect Win + L Lock PC or switch accounts Win + M Minimize all windows Win + O Lock device orientation Win + P Choose a presentation display mode Win + R Open Run dialog Win + S Open Search Win + T Cycle through apps on taskbar Win + U Open Ease of Access Center Win + V Cycle through notifications Win + Shift + V Cycle through notifications in reverse order Win + X Open menu Quick Link Win + Z Show commands available in an app in full screen mode Win + Comma (,) Temporarily peek at desktop Win + Pause Display System Properties dialog Win + Ctrl + F Search PC (if you are in network) Win + Shift + M Restore minimized windows to the desktop Win + number Open the desktop and launch the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, switch to that app. Win + Shift + number Open the desktop and launch a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number Win + Ctrl + number Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the location indicated by the number Win + Alt + number Open the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar at the position indicated by the number Win + Ctrl + Shift + number Open the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at specified location on taskbar as administrator Win + Tab Open Task View Win + Up Arrow Maximize window Win + Down Arrow Remove current app from screen or minimize desktop window Win + Left Arrow Maximize app or the desktop window to on the left side of the screen Win + Right Arrow Maximize the desktop or app window to the right side of the screen Win + Home Minimize everything except the active desktop window (restore all windows on second tap) Win + Shift + U p arrow Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen Win + Shift + Down Arrow Restore/minimize the active desktop windows vertically, keeping width Win + Shift + Left Arrow or Right Arrow Move an app or window on the desktop from one monitor to another Win + Spacebar Switch input language and keyboard layout Win + Ctrl + spacebar Switch to a previously selected input Win + Enter Open Narrator Win + slash (/) Start IME reconversion Win + plus (+) or minus (-) Magnify or exit using Magnifier Win + Esc Exit Magnifier