What happens if you go over 100% status Warframe?,Over 100

Are you a dedicated Warframe player looking to take your gaming experience to the next level? If so, you may have heard of the concept of exceeding the 100% status threshold in Warframe. But what exactly does this mean, and what happens when you go over 100% status? In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of this intriguing gaming concept and provide you with everything you need to know to take your Warframe gameplay to the next level. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of Warframe status thresholds!

Unlock the Ultimate Power of Your Weapons with Over 100 Status Chance: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of your weapons not packing enough punch? Do you want to unlock the ultimate power of your arsenal? Look no further than increasing your status chance to over 100. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about status chance and how to maximize it for devastating results.

What is Status Chance?

Status chance is the probability of a weapon’s attack inflicting a status effect on its target. These effects can range from poisoning and freezing to stunning and disarming. The higher the status chance, the more often these effects will occur.

Why is Status Chance Important?

Having a high status chance can turn an ordinary weapon into a game-changer. Status effects can not only damage enemies but also debuff them, making them weaker and easier to defeat. Additionally, certain status effects can bypass enemy defenses, making them particularly effective against heavily armored targets.

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How to Increase Status Chance

There are several ways to increase a weapon’s status chance:

  • Mods: Certain mods, such as the High Voltage mod for rifles and the Volcanic Edge mod for melee weapons, can significantly increase status chance.
  • Weapon Choice: Some weapons naturally have higher status chances than others. Shotguns, for example, tend to have a higher status chance per shot than rifles or pistols.
  • Warframe Abilities: Certain Warframes, such as Saryn and Mirage, have abilities that can increase the status chance of weapons they wield.

Maximizing Status Chance

To truly unlock the ultimate power of your weapons, you’ll want to aim for a status chance of over 100%. This is because any status chance above 100% guarantees that a status effect will occur on every hit.

To reach this level, you’ll need to combine multiple status chance mods and abilities. You can also use a weapon’s innate status chance as a starting point. For example, a shotgun with a natural status chance of 25% can reach over 100% status chance with the right mods and abilities.


Status chance is a powerful tool for any Warframe player looking to maximize their arsenal’s potential. By increasing your status chance to over 100%, you can unleash devastating status effects on your enemies and turn the tide of any battle. So start experimenting with different mods, weapons, and Warframes to unlock the ultimate power of your weapons today!

Unlock Your Full Potential: Discover the Best Status in Warframe for Ultimate Power

Warframe is a game with a vast universe to explore, and the key to unlocking your full potential lies in understanding the best status for your Warframe. By mastering the art of status effects, you can deal more damage, control crowds, and become an unstoppable force.

What is Status in Warframe?

Status in Warframe refers to the additional effects that weapons and abilities can have on enemies. These effects can include causing enemies to bleed, become blinded, stunned, or even frozen solid. Each status effect has its own unique benefits, and mastering them is the key to becoming a powerful Warframe player.

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The Best Status Effects for Your Warframe

When it comes to choosing the best status effects for your Warframe, there are several options to consider. One of the most popular is the Viral status effect, which reduces enemy health by half. This effect is particularly useful against Grineer and Corpus enemies, who have high health pools.

What happens if you go over 100% status Warframe?,Over 100

Another great option is the Radiation status effect, which causes enemies to attack each other. This effect is particularly useful against Infested enemies, who tend to swarm and overwhelm players.

For players looking to control crowds, the Magnetic status effect is a great choice. This effect drains enemy shields and disables their abilities, making them more vulnerable to attack.

How to Apply Status Effects

To apply status effects in Warframe, you’ll need to use weapons and abilities that have a chance to trigger those effects. Some weapons have innate status chance, while others can be modded to increase their chance of triggering status effects.

Additionally, some Warframe abilities have built-in status effects. For example, the Saryn Warframe’s Miasma ability inflicts Viral status on enemies within its area of effect.

In Conclusion

Mastering the art of status effects is essential for unlocking your full potential in Warframe. By choosing the best status effects for your Warframe and learning how to apply them effectively, you can become an unstoppable force in the game.

Unlock the Secrets of Warframe: Understanding the Power of Status Chance

Warframe is a complex game that requires players to be strategic in their gameplay. One of the most important aspects of the game is understanding the power of Status Chance. Status Chance is the percentage chance that a hit will apply a status effect on an enemy.

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Understanding how Status Chance works is essential to building effective builds and taking down tough enemies. The higher the Status Chance of a weapon, the more likely it is to apply a status effect on an enemy. These status effects can range from slowing down an enemy’s movement to inflicting damage over time.

There are many ways to increase the Status Chance of a weapon in Warframe. One of the easiest ways is to use mods that increase the Status Chance of a weapon. There are also Warframes and abilities that can increase the Status Chance of a weapon.

It’s important to note that Status Chance is not the same as Critical Chance. Critical Chance is the chance that a hit will do critical damage. While Critical Chance can be important in some builds, Status Chance is essential in any build that focuses on dealing with tough enemies.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that different status effects have different strengths and weaknesses. Some enemies may be weak to certain status effects, while others may be immune to them. It’s important to experiment with different status effects to find out what works best against different enemies.

In conclusion, understanding the power of Status Chance is essential to building effective builds and taking down tough enemies in Warframe. By using mods, Warframes, and abilities that increase Status Chance, players can create powerful weapons that can take on any enemy. So, experiment and find out what works best for you!

Thank you for reading about the exciting world of Warframe and what happens when you go over 100% status. We hope that this article has been informative and enjoyable for you. Remember, always be mindful of your status levels and make sure to strategize accordingly. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Farewell and happy gaming!

Thank you for reading!

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