In version 1.18.2, several general changes and technical changes were introduced in Minecraft. Those who use a lot of modpacks or custom commands will adapt to these changes effectively.
- The South Korean community received game timers and reminders to take breaks. This complies with the country’s gambling guidelines.
- The number zero used as a seed is no longer considered a special case.
- Any spaces entered in the input field of a seed, before or after the numbers, will be removed.
- Dolphins have seen improved navigation to structures, when players feed them.
- Ender chests will no longer be packed during the Christmas holidays.
Minecraft Update 1.18.2 Technical Changes Patch Notes
- Added command: placefeature
- The locate command now uses an id parameter with namespace
- The locate command parameter is now a configured structure instead of a structure type. For example, you can now use /locate village_desert or /locate shipwreck_beached
- The locate and biome commands now support tags (prefixed with # to distinguish them from normal IDs)
- It is now possible to add tags custom structures in experimental datapacks
- Much of cave generation is now configurable via experimental datapacks
- Any type present in registries (blocks, objects, biomes, etc.) can now have tags
- Data package version is now 9
New command that places a configured function in a given position. Syntax: placefeature Parameters:
Warden in Minecraft 18: When will it arrive in the game?
Guardian in Minecraft (image via.
To the dismay of many players, it is now common knowledge that the Warden will not be released in the game in Minecraft update 1.18.
What’s new in Minecraft Patch Notes (1.18.10) for Bedrock Update? – February 8, 2022
It’s time for a new Minecraft game update! This time around, we’re making a load of fixes and quality of life changes. With over 100 fixes, there’s a lot to cover. Let’s dive into the highlights!
- Added orb banner pattern
- Iron golems now show different degrees of cracking depending on their health
- Updated many more textures to match Java Edition
- ) New experimental features with frogs and tadpoles
- A huge amount of bug fixes and parity changes
- Enchanted tables now emit a reduced amount of light
- Using shears on the tip of a cave liana, a twisted liana, a weeping wine and an algae will prevent them from growing further
- Copper ore now drops 2-5 (from 2-3) Raw copper items
- In the stonecutter, a block of copper can be converted into copper cut into 4 pieces
- The placement of Big Dripleaf is limited to clay, grass, earth, farmland, moss, rooted earth, podzol, and Mycelium
- Your list of effects is now shown to the right of your inventory, instead of the side left
- When the inventory effects list is visible, it will be hidden from game view to reduce clutter on the screen
- There are now two ways to view the effects list: Compact and Classic
- Classic is the pre-existing list of effects, one after the other
- Compact is a single icon for each effect , suitable for small screens
- The game will automatically switch between modes to fit the available screen (including having the cookbook open)