The best MODs to increase FPS in Minecraft


Mods to improve Minecraft performance

In this article we will leave you the best MODs to increase the FPS in Minecraft and its corresponding configuration to make the game run much more smoothly.

Having MODs that increase the FPS in the game is very important if you have a computer with low resources, with little RAM and little processing power. Here are the 6 best ones and how to combine them to improve every aspect of Minecraft.


The first mod is called FPS Reducer, and it is available for the latest version of Minecraft. This mod is not as well known as the other mods that we will mention in the article, but it is really worth it, if the other mods like Optifine cause you problems with other mods that you have installed.

This mod reduces the unnecessary processes of our graphic card and processor.

To enter the FPS REDUCER MOD configuration you must press the Fn key on your keyboard.

key fn in keyboard fps reducer

Pressing the Fn key will send us to the MOD Configuration interface, which if you want to configure it in the best way for a low-resource or mid-range computer, you must configure it in the same way, as shown in the following image:

fps reducer configuration mod minecraft 1.17

The configuration that we leave you in the image in addition to raise the FPS, economizes them at specific times, for example, when we are still or inactive for seven seconds.

You can download the MOD FPS Reducer, from the official site, in the following button:

Better FPS

This MOD has as a positive that you can combine it with Optifine and get a really superior performance of Minecraft. Combining these two MODs (Optifine + Better FPS) is the best option you can have if you have a computer with low resources and you want to extract all its potential.

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To configure this mod, just go to options and then press the button called “BetterFps Options”.

beter fps options minecraft

Once inside the options, we will see the “Algorithm” button, if we press this button, different options will be shown. You should try which of these options works best on your computer. We recommend using “Riven’s Full Algorithm“.

better fps option configuration minecraft 2021

The other options must be configured as shown in the image. Then it will ask us to restart the game for the changes to take place.

You can download the MOD from the following button below, from its official website.


This mod is well known for being one of the best mods to increase the performance of your FPS, but what few know is that you can increase even more the performance of your computer if you combine it with the Better FPS mod.

This mod allows us a really wide configuration of the graphics, which will not allow us the other mods.

As a bonus, this mod allows you to zoom and thus allow you to better visualize an object in the distance with the Ctrl key.

We have already tested the best Optifine configurations and we leave you the images so that you can copy the best configuration and get the best performance.

Video Settings:

It is very important the rendering distance in this section, you should test which one works best for you, although the best is in the range of 2 chunks to 4 chunks.

video settings minecraft optifine settings


details minecraft optifine


animations minecraft optifine minecraft 2021


Quality minecraft


performance minecraft


other minecraft optifine configuration

You can download and learn more about Optifine by clicking on the following button:


This Mod is even better than Optifine, as it changes the way your computer generates the game. The Sodium mod needs to be installed together with Fabric to work. This Mod along with the Phosphor and Lithium Mods do a very good job, if you install all three together, you will notice a real improvement in FPS.

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We really recommend installing all three mods together since Phosphor, for example, specializes in terrain generation.

Here is the recommended configuration for Sodium.

configuration sodium true form

The V-Sync option limits Minecraft to 60 FPS, so you have to test it to see if with this option disabled you can still run Minecraft smoothly.

Advanced, this is the most important part of Sodium, the advanced settings. You can test and change the Chunk Render option to know which one is the best for you, but if you have a low or mid-range computer we recommend Oneshot (GL 3.0).

onseshot opengl configuration sodium

You can download the latest version of Sodium by clicking on the following button:


The Lithium MOD needs Fabric to be installed. This optimization mod specializes in improving the physics of the game and even the artificial intelligence of the mobs. With lithium installed you can see an average of 45% improvement in server activation times.

Being a mod that activates the server side of the game, it frees up your computer’s processor to concentrate on other tasks resulting in improved frame rates and responsiveness. But this is not only a dedicated server mod, it is also very useful in our own world because it runs an integrated server.

You can download Lithium from the official site at the following button:


This mod optimizes one of the most inefficient areas of the game, the lighting engine. This mod was created exclusively to improve the lighting in Minecraft, both client-side and server-side. It can be installed only on the server without the need for players to have the mod as well.

This mod is very necessary in the nether so that the FPS is not reduced when entering.

You can download Phosphor from the following button:

You can also download the compilation of all the mods mentioned here in a single direct link from the download button below:

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