Download Minecraft HIM
This is a version of Minecraft that does not agree with the terrifying versions of Minecraft to which we are accustomed to as Minecraft Alpha 0.0.0, Minecraft Patch 1 or Alpha 1.2.6_06. This is a version which we could call peaceful.
The only thing that you can do if you want to be startled in this version is to press the letter “G” on your keyboard and your skin will be cloned, generating hostile clones of yourself that will attack you savagely.
This version unlike the aforementioned previous versions, this one is totally vanilla, really without surprises, without hostile entities and without that exaggerated difficulty of the alpha versions like death.exe.
In this version the only thing you can do is to get iron, make a pickaxe, a sword, some torches, and that’s it, you can just go around the world without any startle, you can’t sleep and there are no monsters to fight.
Download Minecraft HIM
Download this version by clicking on the download button.
Huggy Wuggy,Giant Alex, Far Lands and Seeds with all biomes
If playing Error 422, you should also try to find the Giant Alex, through a cursed seed, the following article:
Download Poppy Playtime map for Minecraft and escape from Huggy Wuggy:
Download Xray Ultimate 1.17.This texture pack will allow you to find all the minerals that exist in the game, with an impressive ease because it makes invisible all the blocks except for the blocks with minerals:
You may also find it interesting how to get to the end of the map in Minecraft and what lies beyond the far lands:
If you want a very rare seed, where you will emerge on an island surrounded by absolutely all biomes you should check the following seed:
Download Minecraft 6.6.6
Download Bluebrine or Minecraft Alpha version 1.2.6_02
In version 1.2.6_02 of Minecraft, Minecraft players are told that the creature Bluebrine appears: