Kids love Minecraft so much they can spend the next 8 hours watching streamers play. These are the 10 reasons why they love Minecraft so much.
Especially with ECQ coming, kids will get stuck inside again and probably spend 8+ hours watching YouTube videos from Minecraft streamers like TommyInit, Quackity, Tubbo and TechnoBlade. We have tried to balance the situation by enrolling them in summer online courses, but they end up doing it again towards the end of the day. So why do kids love Minecraft so much? Here are perhaps some of the reasons why they do.
Kids love video games and Minecraft is no exception. Especially with the bright colors and lots of activities to do in a small space, kids will enjoy playing with it. Unlike teenage and young adult gamers, kids don’t care much for graphics or stories. They don’t mind that creatures and people look like blocks as long as they can play with all the brightly colored things in the world of Minecraft.
Problem-solving skills
Improve your problem-solving skills as you have overcome many environmental challenges, such as finding resources, gathering food, understanding how to use tools, etc. Also, when playing with other players, you need to figure out how to defeat your competitors. There are also logistical and creative and creative challenges.
With a huge online community of verified players, users can interact with other players to optimize their game, plan with their teammates, collaborate with them on mods, etc. this is an important life skill that will come in handy throughout one’s professional career.
Is Minecraft right for a 5 year old?
Because Minecraft isn’t recommended for 5-year-olds, no matter what rating system you’re looking at, you might want to wait. While it’s a great game to get kids’ creative juices flowing, 5-year-olds might get frustrated. There is also a very mild violence that parents may not want their 5-year-olds to be exposed to.
By playing Minecraft in multiplayer mode, it can increase players’ confidence, allowing them to play a game, give instructions, make decisions and support themselves each other. Players must cooperate and work together rather than against each other to win the game. They can socialize with many known and even unknown players, who somehow support them by interacting with them. This can grow your child’s social circle and equip them with social skills like forming relationships, communicating effectively, and networking. Your child will learn how to behave online, which is also part of digital literacy in school.
While playing Minecraft online with friends, kids can learn to play with others, showing them which keys should be used, how they can create a world or build something in it, etc. in addition, the game also promotes problem solving and programming skills, as well as creativity and concentration. Children and their friends can choose different worlds or mods and create their very own online adventure on the Minecraft server.