How do you save a corrupted Minecraft world on PS4?

There are a few ways to do this, but the most common is to use a program called MCEdit. This will allow you to edit your world’s files and fix any damage that has occurred. You can also try using a world editor like WorldEdit, but it’s not as reliable and can often cause more problems than it fixes. If all else fails, you can always erase your world and start over.

It’s not uncommon for Minecraft worlds to occasionally get corrupted. Often this type of corruption can be fixed by restoring the original state of affairs. In some cases, a corrupted world will prevent you from opening it. Here’s how to fix a corrupted world in Minecraft. If your Minecraft world is harmed, you’ll need to find a way home. If you haven’t already, consider creating a brand new world in creative mode to make sure all your items aren’t lost. The other version of your world, hopefully uncorrupted, will be saved for you to use whenever you need to.

How to tell if data is corrupted on PS4

Sometimes it can be more obvious that you have corrupted data on your PS4, but the symptoms can appear in other forms as well. First, if you’re getting a Data Corrupt error code, you clearly have corrupted data. But there are times when you have a problem and you don’t have an error code letting you know that this is the problem.

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Here are some other signs to look for:

Creating a new game file

If the first method worked for you, then that’s good because you won’t lose any data there . However, in the second method, you will lose your final chest and inventory, while your creation will remain as it is, such as your house, farm, etc. However, you may have to invest all your time again to refill your inventory.

For this method to work, you need to create a new world in Minecraft. You don’t have to waste your time building blocks, just create a world and then save and exit the game. Now go back to the saved file location and there you will see a folder with new world data. Open the folder and find the Level.dat file. Copy this file and save it in the old Minecraft world folder you want to recover.

What to do when your Minecraft world is deleted

One of the problems with this particular question is that over the past nine years, Minecraft has gone through countless versions and spin-offs, and the original build-focused version of the game ported to every hardware platform that couldn’t run fast enough.

Trying to get an answer from the internet to even a seemingly simple Minecraft question can mean wading through years of outdated, irrelevant, or counterintuitive information.

How to restore your world on PC/Mac

To restore your backup Minecraft worlds on PC, simply access your game saves folder as above, delete the damaged world and copy/ paste the backup world there. The process is the same for a Mac. To find your game files easily on Mac or Windows, open Minecraft, right-click your corrupted world, select Edit, then click Open Backup Folder.

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If you play Minecraft on Android or iPhone, Minecraft PE now attempts to automatically repair corrupted saves (starting with Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha). If that doesn’t work, you can try restoring the saved file by accessing your phone’s automatic backups (for example, Samsung Backup, Google Backup, or iCloud on iOS). Hopefully, these have backed up your Minecraft data and will be able to restore your world.

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