How do you name a zombie villager?

So it looks like we’ve discovered a bug in Minecraft, at least with survival multiplayer.

Named mobs shouldn’t disappear when the block is unloaded.

Do zombies disappear in Minecraft?

If you are interested in experimenting with zombie villagers or curing them back to normal and work under you in the profession of your choice, you will be disappointed to hear that there is an issue that can prevent you from doing so . This problem is the fact that these zombie villagers can disappear due to various different reasons. Even if you take the trouble to capture one of these zombie villagers and eventually decide to experiment with them, they will eventually disappear.

One of the main causes behind this is going too far. Enemies tend to disappear when you run very far away from them and revisit their previously known location. This can also happen with the zombie villager you captured. Another reason is to quit the game and find that the villager you captured is no longer there despite your saving. This is very frustrating as zombie villagers are quite hard to catch, but we are here to help you find some ways to make sure zombie villagers never disappear.

How to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft on PS4

Here’s how to cure a zombie villager in the PS4 version of Minecraft using a splash potion:

  1. Equip the splash potion.
  2. Launch it by pressing the L2 key
  3. Equip the golden apple.
  4. Press the L2 button to apply the apple to the villager.
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How to heal a zombie villager

To heal a zombie villager in Minecraft, you will need a potion of weakness and a golden apple. To craft a golden apple, you’ll need to craft it using one apple and eight gold bars. For the crafting recipe, place the apple in the center slot with the gold bars surrounding it.

When you have your items, find a zombie villager and trap him somewhere away from sunlight, otherwise he will catch fire and die. Throw your Splash Potion of Weakness at him. If you hit it, you’ll see gray swirls coming out of it, showing it’s affected by Weakness. Before the effect wears off, take out the golden apple and give it to her. The swirls will turn red and transform into a villager in about a minute or two.

Step 2: Get it

If the zombie villager isn’t already trapped like in the igloo, Minecraft players need to capture it. This can be done with a two block high hole, but crafters may want to name the zombie villager so it doesn’t disappear.

Also, it is imperative to cover the captive villager’s head to prevent the sun from shining on it. If not, the zombie villager will catch fire and die.

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