Minecraft is a great game and we don’t doubt it at all. I am also a big fan of the game and play it every now and then. Well, one of the most important aspects of the game is the fantasy element it adds. Yes, for example, we can heal a zombie villager in the game after it gets infected! Did you know that? If you haven’t done it, don’t worry, we’ll take care of it!
Guide to caring for a zombie villager in Minecraft
Zombie villagers are practically useless as they cannot trade and are harmful to other villagers. Additionally, players lose access to all available trades on the villager. Instead of killing them, players can heal zombie villagers and turn them into normal villagers.
Players will need a splash potion of Weakness and a golden apple to heal a zombie villager. A potion of weakness is created by adding a fermented spider eye to a bottle of water at a kiosk. After creating a potion of weakness, players will need to add gunpowder inside a kiosk to create a splash potion of weakness.
How to heal a zombie villager in Minecraft on PC
Even if you’re running different versions of Minecraft on PC, healing a zombie villager happens the same way whether you’re running on Java, Education or Windows 10. You will have to apply the potion of weakness by right clicking on the villager and then offer the golden apple the same way.
Minecraft Java Edition 1.14 was a significant update to the game, but the basic mechanics of curing zombie villagers remain the same:
How to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a golden apple keeps the zombie villager away. Zombie villagers are healed by using a golden apple when the villager is under the spell of weakness. Weakness can be applied by any of the following:
How to create a zombie villager
The difference between a normal zombie and a zombie villager can be seen in their face. If they have the villager’s face, they can be transformed back into a normal villager.
To create a zombie villager, a zombie must attack a villager on Normal or Hard difficulty; it is impossible on Easy. There is a 50% chance on Normal and a guaranteed transformation on Hard whenever the zombie hits the villager. The best way to do this is to go to a village at night and break the wooden door of a house with villagers inside.