How do I get rid of error 268?

Flushing the DNS cache has also been reported to work for this particular error by some Roblox users. Since it is very easy to do and also healthy for your system, it is worth a try because you will get benefits even if it doesn’t work for Roblox error.

Here is how to flush DNS cache:

How to fix Roblox error code 268 in 2022

In this article, you can know about Roblox error code 268 here are details below;

You are basically kicked out of the game and an error message on the screen follows. This error is extremely aggravating as it appears out of nowhere and occurs suddenly. One minute you’re playing the Roblox game and the next you’re kicked. You have been kicked from the game server due to prohibited client conduct, which is what this error implies and why you will not be allowed to join the game server.

What causes Roblox error code 268?

Roblox error code 268 may occur for the following reasons:

  • Check the Roblox server for problems. This Roblox error 268 occurs when the server is undergoing maintenance or facing an unexpected server shutdown. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do but wait for the developers to fix the problem.
  • Corrupt game files. If you’re getting this error message while playing on Xbox, you may have a problem with the integrity of your game files. In this case, you must uninstall the game and reinstall it.
  • You are using cheat engine. If you are using or have previously used a cheat engine for Roblox, don’t be surprised if you get this error. The best way to fix this is to simply delete and uninstall the cheat software and then reinstall the Roblox game.
  • Possible problems with the browser. There are also times when you encounter this error code while playing Roblox game directly from your browser. In this case, you can choose to play using the Roblox app. Playing through the app is more stable than playing through the browser.
  • Third party interference. This error can also occur due to conflicts with third party applications. It can interfere during the game. You need to disable the conflicting program or uninstall it from your computer and then check if the problem is resolved.
  • Problems with Internet settings. In some cases, you will see this error code due to the way your browser, especially Internet Explorer, stores cached data. To solve this problem, you need to clear the cache settings in the Internet options.
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Fix: Reinstall Roblox

When you run exploits and other software that can potentially alter your files, you need to reinstall the game. It ensures the integrity of the files, which can fix Roblox error code 268.

  • To reinstall Roblox on Windows, you will need to uninstall it first. Go to Programs and Features and find all Roblox clients, then select Uninstall.
  • After restarting your computer, log into Roblox using your default browser.
  • Finally, launch a game to re-download all game clients and see if the problem persists.

Remove Cheat Software

In case you have cheat software running while the game is open, you will most likely get this error. Whatever exploiting software is running with it, be sure to close it or better yet uninstall it.

Check if you can play on your app or PC. Sometimes it could be a platform-specific issue.

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