The following is the procedure that must be followed to the letter:
1. Instead of digging straight down, pick a location, and then get to work building a stairwell there.
Where to find diamonds in Minecraft caves and cliffs
The best place to find diamonds in Minecraft is in caves and cliffs. These areas are generally rich in resources and diamonds are no exception. To maximize your chances of finding diamonds, explore as many caves and cliffs as possible. Keep an eye out for any sparkling rocks and be sure to mine them all! With any luck, you’ll be swimming among diamonds in no time.
Diamonds can be found near level Y 16 in Minecraft, but are more common at higher levels. Minecraft’s five lowest levels (which are mostly bedrock) have a range of Y16 to Y-59 to mine (as of update 1.18), so you should be able to find an area between Y16 and Y- 59.
Coal Ore
Coal is a common ore in Minecraft that is mainly mined for its fuel capacity. You can also use charcoal to create many important recipes such as a torch and a bonfire.
Coal ore has two different variants: Stone and Deepslate. They look exactly like the original block but with some black dots incorporated.
How many diamonds can you get with Fortune 3?
With Fortune III, players can get up to four diamonds from mining a single block of diamond ore. In terms of mining gravel for flint, Minecraft players have a 100% chance of getting flint if they use a proper Fortune III enchanted tool.
Which biome has the most diamonds? Well, according to Minecraft Feedback, diamonds are most common in desert, savannah, and mesa biomes. Diamond Ores are most common in the Mesa, Savannah, and Dessert biomes, for better luck finding them, try to find a ravine or cave that goes below the Y 12 axis, as that is the most common area to find diamonds.
Secondly, with the version of Minecraft 1.19, new locations and a new mod The Warden appeared in the underground. Unlike other enemy mobs, this mob is powerful and does not focus on vision but on hearing. The Warden spawns below zero height in or near new locations. We didn’t exaggerate when we said he was a powerful enemy. If you are unarmored or in iron armor and a sword, you will instantly die at the hands of this mob. The Keeper will also hear you if you mine blocks. You can dig blocks without knowing that he is already waiting for you behind the wall.
Minecraft has gotten a bit more difficult in the latest versions, and now you won’t be able to pass to level Y=-59 at the first opportunity. You will have to dig above zero to get the first diamonds. And you can go down only after you get good armor and equipment.